press reviews:

der standard:
pest - menschenfreunde:
apokalyptische soundcollagen aus denen sich langsam konturen abzeichnen und in ihren menschenfreundlichsten momenten in ein liedchen münden, präsentieren die oberösterreicher pest auf ihren soeben erschienenen album quinolone. daß die herrschaften aus dem umkreis der
soundextremisten fuckhead komme, sei als wegweiser noch erwähnt.


PEST sind eine der ganz großen Besonderheiten des heimischen Musikgeschehens. Das Musiker-Kollektiv mit Mitgliedern, die auch bei FUCKHEAD tätig sind, beschreitet die Grenzen normaler Konzerte mühelos. Statt eines Sängers haben PEST einen Performer und statt normaler Songs bringen PEST lieber längere, ineinander laufende Stücke, die eine abenteuerliche Brücke zwischen folkloristischen Elementen und Avantgarde-Anspruch schlagen.


*P.E.S.T.-P.E.S.T. (Austria)
Extremely fine debut by this great instrumental quintet who play accordion, cello, guitar, bass & drums. At it's best, this is like a cross between Nimal, the Ululating Mummies & Begnagrad, occasionally with a higher energy threshold added [add Dog Faced Hermans or even King Crimson to the list]. This was originally released on lp only, but, happily, we talked them into reissuing it on CD. These guys are all quite young [between 23-26] & quite accomplished! "Overall, an outstanding release..."-Expose #12.


PEST-Quinolone (Austria)
2nd, eagerly awaited [at least by me] release by this superb Austrian quintet of accordion, cello, guitar, bass & drums. "As with their last one, PEST mixes brutal rock...with European traditional elements like accordions & cello the band ranks high on the ideas scale, pegging the meter in some places, & for the most part their execution supports their conceptions well...Quinolone rocks a little harder than their debut and delves deeper into noisy realms; all said, this is a superb release that grows with each listen."-Exposé


Is this creation an experiment in synthesis of contradictions or pure insanity? Different instruments are called for in order to dissect this monolith.


On stage an orchestra like puppets from a dusty fantasy movie, consisting of drums, bass, cello and accordeon fiddles it´s loosened, awkward melodies with no holds barred.


.... a romantic bastard of a band, whose idiosyncracy is permanently cultivated. A band which achieves instumental music without any consideration of length or monotony, variety as it´s main principle.


A concept, ironcast and taken to the fine structure of a brain dissection. The record is a piece of consequent innovation.Through this picture disc Pest (the plague) raise the level for a "Gesamtkunstwerk" to epic heights.


The music is instrumental. An accordeon, a cello, various threateningly flowing schlieres of noise. A fat beauty of a picture disc with yellow villi on red background.
